Monday, March 07, 2005

Dis Sonnet

The actual rule for this one was that it was to be a sonnet in the style of Flavor Flav but it turned into more of a thing dissing wack poets (see previous comments about Ouyang Yu, among others) with occasional Flavish overtones and lines I just plain bit from him and other rappers. It's pretty cheap, but here it is:

I say to lesser bards with verse unversed,
and dis/junked words, no rhythm, rhyme or such:
although when worse comes worst my peeps come first
you need some telling that you don't mean much.
Now don't get arty for your right to write.
You read some e. e. cummings, were misled
(or was it Pound, or Eliot? Some light
on this perhaps it's best that we don't shed.)

O man you should have checked yourself before
you wrecked yourself. Your homeboys bit and halved
inferior styles. Back in the day when law
was firm and justice stood, wack poets starved.

You know I've tried to help you all I can.
You know I can't do nothing for you, man.

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